Meet Eileen

Yoga instructor, movement coach, reflexologist, and foot nerd

Passionate About Wellness From The Ground Up

I am a firm believer that wellness and fitness starts from the ground up. When you take a group fitness or yoga class with me, foot and toe movements to strengthen muscles and increase joint flexibility will certainly be included. Moving toes and foot muscles are easy for some, while not so much for others. But no matter how your feet move, I make it fun. Movement should be fun -even in a "serious" class like yoga.

From senior centers to health clubs to community centers, to a YMCA and in condominium club houses, I have been leading group fitness and yoga classes for nearly three decades. I have done many different modalities throughout the years, but chose to focus on those that have the benefit of getting stronger from the ground up. My interest in foot movement came after attending a barefoot cardio workshop. With a whole new appreciation for the intricate working of the foot, I began introducing foot-movement exercises and ball rolling into my yoga and chair yoga classes. When class participants began experessing how much better their feet were feeling, how circulation improved and their balance was getting better, I knew that education about the natural movement of feet was a passion.


I was a group fitness instructor for several years before taking my first yoga class. In the beginning, I focused only on the physical poses. The more I practiced, however, the more I realized that yoga is so much more than physical movement on the mat. Yoga is an opportunity to deepen the most important relationship we have - the relationship with ourselves. Whether it be floor yoga or chair yoga, I am on a mission to guide you help you connect mind, body and spirit.


On a quest to learn more about feet and their connection to the rest of the body, I enrolled in a NYC-based reflexology school. After hundreds of hours of class instruction and nearly a year of practical experience, I obtained my certification in both hand and foot reflexology. I love helping people relax through reflexology. Feet and hands are very communicative about what is going on in our bodies. We have have to learn to listen. Through reflexology, I can help the body achieve a state of homeostasis, or balance.

Foot Nerd

A graduate of The Foot Collective Foot Nerd program, I am thrilled to be a part of a tribe on a mission to help others reconnect to, or better, their health and happiness, starting from the ground up.

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© 2020 Eileen Byrnes